

It happened last Monday, like very early in the morning.
At around 1am I woke up, I couldn't sleep, my right ear hurt so badly that I couldn't even handle it myself. But I still tried to sleep, since I've got my mid-semester exam that day.
I know on weekend I wasn't feeling that well.
And for almost 2 hours I tried to sleep, but it turns out that my ear just felt worse. Then I thought I suppose to go to the E.R.
I woke my dad up, and he brought me to RSPI. There the nurse look into my ears, she told me that it was really red. After that the doctor came, and told me that I have a sore throat, and it effected to my ears. He just gave sme medications and told me to go home.
I was like "what?", and told him it still hurts. So the nurse gave me an eardrop. A few minutes later...

Suster : Gimana masih sakit ga?
A.M : Iya, masih... (dengan nada kesakitan)
Suster : Ya iya, emang kayak sambel, dikasih langsung pedes (maksudnya eardropnya juga dikasih ya ga langsung sembuh)-- nadanya serius, ga ketawa, so she wasn't joking at all

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr, dude she was super annoying, sumpah nyebelin abis. Bayangin suster, bilang kayak gitu, terus kenapa tadi pake nanya "masih sakit ga" segala. Ihhh, how stupid and obnoxious. Saat itu juga I felt like I just want to punch her right on her face (hahaha, okay I am being hyperbolic).

The next day, I went to visit my brother, who was being hospitalized for a night. And yes in the same hospital, and well.... susternya yang ngerawat juga nyebelin abis (long story...) ckckckc, gatau deh ya kenapa selama 2 hari berturut-turut gw ke RSPI, selalu ketemu suster-suster yang kayak gitu. Haha, tapi gitu-gitu the one who holds the record of the most nyebelin suster, masih tetep suster RSIB/Ramsay, because she was like oh-I-don't-know-what-to-say-anymore, like no comment (sangking nyebelinnya).

I hope RS-RS juga mikirin about their service juga :-) , ga cuman profit doaaang!

And still talking about hospital...
What I don't like about going to the doctor (di rumah sakit)
1. Pasti ga pernah on time, misalnya pas buat appointment dapet nomor 5, disuruh dateng jam 16.00, masuk ke ruangan dokternya belum tentu jam segitu(at least most of the time)
2. Sometimes, pas nanya ke bagian registrasi "berapa lama lagi ya, mbak?", jawabannya selalu "oh sebentar lagi kok..". Padahal ujung-ujungnya juga tetep aja harus nunggu sejaman. Hello! Sejaman itu ga sebentar ya Mbak
3. Dokternya sendiri juga ga selalu dateng on time, sometimes pasiennya udah ngantri banyak, dokternya belom dateng-dateng juga. Padahal jam prakteknya cuman sebentar...

Intinya why I don't like going to the doctor... jam karet banget !hahaha. Semua itu sebenernya cuman perkara waktu, yah hargain waktu pasien lah. Pasien kadang udah dateng nungguin, tapi most of the time selalu ga on time, itu sama aja kalo rs/dokter/those people itu ga ngehargain waktu pasien....

So for those yang mau jadi dokter/manajemen rs/those peopllleee, please note that :-)

Oh ya, at the end on Monday I still go to school, mau ga mau, soalnya gw ga mau susulan haha. Yah meskipun ke sekolah dengan mata ngantuk, karena emang gw ngantuk paraaaaah hari itu (ya iya lah ya, pulangnya dari rspi aja jam 4). But thankfully my ear felt better already.


Post, post, post!

This week started a little uneasy for me, well... that Monday tragedy (of me being late, like really late)... I don't even want to remember it, basically it's a first-and-last experience. End of story.
Anyways, in a week holiday is coming, so there's no reason I have to be upset about. Except thinking of my fabulous mid semester exam (well yes I am being sarcastic!), but thank God it's only for 5 days :-). So it's like 5 days to fight for and the whole week to be happy about (what a nice way illustrating it, A?).
**It has been soooooooo long, since I haven't write in English, so please apologize for grammar mistakes.
I would love to go to Berlin!
What made me so? Is it because of the Brandenburg Gate? No, not really. Or the very artsy Berlin Wall? Could be, but still it's not the actual reason. Then what?
Well a couple of hours ago I just watched Anthony Bourdain, when he was in Berlin, and so he went to this hotel which only have 30 rooms, but each if its rooms are designed differently. It's more like staying in a museum than a hotel, since its own unique installations.
It is the Propeller Island City Lodge designed by Lars Stroschen, he designed every room in the hotel (how cooool...) and all of them are custom made.

PROPELLER ISLAND CITY LODGE. rooms, artworks & photos by Lars Stroschen 2003. all rights reserved.

I am really amazed looking at all the rooms [link], and also Stroschen's ideas and creativity making them. What a talented interior designer :-D


It's better to be hate for who you are, than to be like for who you are not.

(such a strong statement...)


Kata-kata Itu

Sekali, sekali saja
Kucoba, kucoba untuk berbicara
Tapi tak sepatah kata pun keluar
Kupaksakan mulutku untuk berbicara
Hatiku berdetak, berdetak dengan kerasnya
Hingga membuat otakku seakan-akan beku
Dirinya menatapku dengan biasa
Tapi aku masih tak bergeming
Bingung, akan melihat realita ini
Bingung mengenai apa yang sedang ia rasakan
Berbenih-benih hal tersebut menggrogoti hatiku
Sampai ke titik aku ingin memecahkan kaca yang ada didepanku
Tetapi, tidak, hal itu tidak terjadi
Dengan pelan dan tanpa ekspresi aku menjawab
Menjawab pertanyaannya itu dengan sebuah jawaban
Yang sangat klise, yang mungkin ia akan bingung
Karena dirinya tidak tahu, bahwa benih-benih itu sedang menggrogotiku


Do you have to let it linger?


These days.

These days have been pretty overwhelming, basically just too much things to do in once. I know you've probably heard me whining! haha. But anyways, tommorow is my Dad's birthday! Joyeux Anniversaire Daddd :D (whoops, not yet)




After all

No one can say all the things that they feel
Without the risk of a failure
So keep in my cards close to my heart
All of you I loved from a distance

After All - Sondre Lerche